16. detsember 2013

PokerStars läheb uuest aastast $50/$100 ja kõrgemal NLHE/PLO laudades üle ZOOMile

Pokerstars2+2 High Stakes alafoorumites teada antud samm viiakse läbi ilma kindla ajalise raamita katsena. Sõltuvalt mõjust rahamängude keskkonnale tehakse hiljem otsus, kas ja kuidas jätkatakse. HU mänge antud muudatus ei mõjuta.

Rahalaudade segemendi juhi Nick Williamsoni sõnul on muutuse initsiatiiviks soov pakkuda elamust, kus kõige kesksemaks on mäng ise, mitte kõik muu, mis on mängukeskkonna teinud vaenulikuks.

Kõige südamlikuma avalduse tegi muutuse kohta Phil Galfond:

No one game-starts anymore anyways.

I think zoom only is the best (by far) of a lot of bad options. (but we need zoom ante tables too)

You can't ban autoseat scripts because it's not enforceable... Unless they want to start making us type in a new password every time we click to open a table.

You can't stop everyone from buttoning each other, which leads to games ending that may run otherwise because everyone is afraid to be the one that gets buttoned.

Those saying that Rec players won't enjoy Zoom... seems very counter-intuitive to me. Zoom is faster and let's them see more hands & hit more flops per minute.

Yes, they often will play tighter and lose at a slower bb/100 (though maybe just as fast hourly). I don't really see why that's a problem. If they don't get bled dry within minutes every time they play, they'll want to play and deposit more often. It's nice for everyone if they have more of a shot.

People will say that this is a change that would benefit me, as someone who wants to play against everyone. Will it? Sure, some. But I have done just fine without PLO action for a while now. I don't need these games to run for my bottom line. I want them to run because I enjoy playing PLO and I no longer can.

And for the guys who will give action to anyone and who sit alone all day, people need to speak up.

Unfortunately, the loudest people are usually the same people who are auto-seating, bumhunting, buttoning, and ratholing to seek every edge. They will be heard more than the rest of us.

Playing 25/50 and 50/100 PLO is not fun anymore. This isn't about EV for me.. I'm talking about the difference in how much I enjoyed what I do between 1.5yrs ago and now.

I used to love my job and love playing. I would sleep well, go to the gym, get food, and sit down and almost always have something to play, whether it be 100/200+, or 25/50. Then I would focus and have fun playing the game I love, trying to play as best I can.

Today, the main skills you need are seat-getting, table-hopping, and altering your sleep schedule to not miss a fish. Playing a 25/50 session hasn't been fun for me in a over a year. I have to constantly scan the lobby while I play, and constantly watch to avoid getting buttoned. I'm not even focusing on the interesting parts of the game... I autopilot that part.

Skjervoy, are you still having fun playing poker? You and I have played the same games for a long time now, and both of us have played high stakes against tough competition. I'm sure many times we've played without an edge. But it just was how it was back then. Games ran.

What's not fun for rec players is when no games are ever running for them to come sit in. That is, until they figure out that if they just sit, a game will fill up.

There's not a recreational player in the world that doesn't understand what's going on there.

And because the buttoning wars have gotten so violent, everyone makes sure to sit out as soon as possible once the rec player is done.

Even those of you who think you are only profiting in the current system by bumhunt/autoseat/buttoning could very easily do better in an ecosystem where games run more often, and rec players enjoy themselves more.

You might get pretty good at poker too!

Loe pikemalt 2+2 High Stakes PLO või High Stakes NLHE teemast.

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